
KMM 1.3 Updates to the Managed Evolution poster


In the first half of 2022, we introduced updates to the Practice Map Poster clustering all transition sub-level practices with consolidation practices. 

You can read more about those changes in the article KMM 1.3 updates to the Practice poster

To keep the changes consistent through all KMM-related assets, we also decided to update the Managed Evolution Poster. 

The list of changes covers: 

  1. Aggregating all transition sub-levels with lower-level maturity consolidation practices (e.g., ML1 Transition practices are grouped together with ML0 Consolidation practices at Maturity Level 0): 
  1. Following that change, all Feedback Loops from transition sub-level practices were moved up (e.g., the transition practice FL 2.1 Conduct Workflow Replenishment Meeting was aggregated together with ML1 consolidation practices at Maturity Level 1): 
  1. “Column WIP limit” stressor moved from Maturity Level 2 to Maturity Level 3 and was clustered with other ML3 stressors: 
  1. Two new stressors were added at Maturity Level 2 (Focus on customer-valued work and Responsibility for flow): 

This change will be part of the official KMM 1.3 release and is now available for download for KMM+ users and David J Anderson School of Management subscribers. Download the poster here


  1. November 11, 2022

    Anna, do you know if Kanban University have plans to KMM 1.3 release?

    • March 26, 2023

      Hi! Yes, there are plans to release KMM 1.3., however, we don’t commit to any date yet.

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