
Downloadable PDF Resources

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See our solutions in action! Explore case studies using Kanban, the Fit for Purpose Framework, and leadership guidance:

Using F4P for Team Assessment

See how one company applied the Fit for Purpose Framework to work towards better employee retention. 

Enabling Evolutionary Improvement With F4P

See strategic action in progress by reading more about David Anderson’s training company.

Kanban at Vanguard

See how Vanguard increased productivity by 6 times and reduced delivery time by 78%.



Learn more about Kanban with our helpful PDF resources:

The Benefits of Kanban

A PDF summary of real case studies and results! Find out more on how #kanbanworks.

Kanban Words

Our popular social media series is now available to download! Take a look at the definitions of Kanban vocabulary.

Make the 4-Day Work Week Work!

This article teaches you how to utilize the power of Kanban to have a successful transition to a 4-day work week.

Lead Time

This excerpt from the Essential Metrics Guide teaches you more about one of the most important metrics, lead time, and how to make it actionable.



Learn more about the Fit for Purpose (F4P) Framework with our helpful PDF resources:

New! F4P and OKR Integrations

Download the poster to understand how to make OKRs stronger with F4P.

F4P Posters

Download the core Fit for Purpose Framework posters to print, share, and discuss key aspects of the framework.

F4P Book Chapters

Take a sneak peek into the 3rd Edition of the book Fit for Purpose by David Anderson and Alexei Zheglov by downloading the book chapters.



Get pragmatic, actionable, and evidence-based leadership guidance. Explore our downloadable resources focused on leadership:

The Recipe for Success

Guidelines for a new manager adopting an existing team. Following the recipe enables quick improvement with low levels of team resistance.

Tribal Leadership

This excerpt from Lessons in Agile Management explores different themes of recognizing tribal behavior, managing tribes, and the importance of tribal leadership.

Pragmatic, Actionable, Evidence-Based Guidance to improve your business.

Ready to learn more? Contact us today for training recommendations and pricing for you or your team!