One of the world’s largest investment management companies
Download this case study to see how Vanguard increased productivity by 6 times and reduced delivery time by 78%.
Vanguard overcame typical transformation disappointments of inconsistent outcomes in spite of consistent processes by applying the Kanban Method to achieve true fitness-for-purpose: satisfying the criteria of success of their customer’s requests.
Vanguard’s management’s efforts deepened the organization’s maturity from level 2 to level 3 as defined in our Kanban Maturity Model. The case explains their path from ‘stalled Scrum’ to significant improvement in outcomes in the eyes of their customers.
Use the form to download the full Vanguard case study to find out more.
Are You Ready For Change?
The world is changing faster than ever and managers need a new set of skills and methods based on science, not fiction.
We’ve codified the practices that enable managers to repeatedly improve productivity up to 800% and beyond.
Managers, teams, and organizations using our training and mentoring programs transform their businesses, deliver fit for purpose products/services, evolve their organizational maturity, and consistently meet the future needs of their customers.
Contact us to find out how we can help you, your managers, teams, and organization achieve the same level of results.