
10 ways your organization can benefit from the Kanban Maturity Model:


The Kanban Maturity Model is a powerful tool based on more than 10 years of observations and experience from around the world and across a broad spectrum of industries. With it, organizations can create better resilience, robustness, and organizational agility needed for long-term survival. Take a look at some of the benefits the KMM can bring to your organization:

1. Avoid poor decision making:

 The KMM helps managers and teams understand the system they manage and avoid making poor decisions that lead to negative effects on projects, services, workers, customers, and the business.

2. Effective improvement: 

The KMM describes the characteristics of an organizational culture that facilitates understanding real-world situations and defining an appropriate approach to improving them effectively.

3. Pragmatic guidance: 

The KMM describes a set of practices for use at enterprise scale, however, it avoids focusing on compliance to a framework. The KMM does not define processes or a methodology.

4. Risk management: 

The KMM guides organizations toward fit-for-purpose products and services with appropriate exposure to risk and reasonable economic returns.

5. A clear plan for improvement: 

The KMM allows objective assessment of the current state of an organization to see where challenges and opportunities lie on the path to greater business and organizational agility.

6. Avoid implementation failure: 

The KMM provides guidelines on the improvement actions to take, creating just enough stress to catalyze improvement without overreaching and risking failure of adoption.

7. Evaluate your agility: 

The KMM helps benchmark organizational agility and fitness-for-purpose with its different levels.

8. Improve market positioning: 

The KMM improves positioning in the market by appropriately developing capabilities to satisfy and exceed customer expectations.

9. Create a common purpose: 

The KMM aligns stakeholders and team members around a common understanding of the purpose of an improvement initiative and how to approach it.

10. Integrate with other models: 

The KMM complements other models and methods, such as CMMI and PMBoK,4 with a systems-thinking approach that incorporates an understanding of the psychology and sociology of the workforce.

Looking to bring Kanban and the KMM to your organization?

Take a look at our upcoming Kanban Maturity Model training courses! Join us online for 5, half-days of training learning how to utilize the model to reach these benefits.

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