
What We Know About Duration: Individual Activities

The latest fad in the Agile software development community is to promote the use of Cost of Delay for prioritization. Many readers will know that I have been an advocate of Cost of Delay style prioritization and my 2003 book, Agile Management for Software Engineering contained several Cost of Delay related algorithms. However, I feel … Continue reading What ...

Evangelizing A Product Concept By Validating A Design

The following article was first published June 7th, 2000. It describes a project to create a design for a set of wireless data applications for Nokia at their Americas office in Las Colinas, TX. This edition has been slightly edited for style, and in content to keep it relevant for an audience 16 years later. … Continue reading Evangelizing ...

Kanban – the alternative path to agility

“Is Kanban an Agile Method?” is a perennial question that comes up in our training classes. It ought to be an irrelevant question. Who cares whether Kanban is Agile or not? It shouldn’t matter. What should matter is whether Kanban helps business improve their capabilities and customer satisfaction? Whether Kanban improves the economic and sociological … Continue reading Kanban ...

Why we don't sell process improvement

Our firm doesn’t sell process improvement or provide consulting services in defined or designed processes. I’m often asked, as a I travel around the world, “What does you firm do?” The answer to this is simple! “We are a management training business.” “We also have event management and publishing businesses.” We sell management training! We … Continue reading Why ...

Change Management vs. Process Evolution

Managed Evolutionary Change Change management is the discipline of managing change in organizations. Changes to processes or changes in organizational structure the discipline used to bring some control and governance to these activities is called change management. There is a large body of literature on change management. I have a small stack of books lying … Continue reading Change ...