
Introducing the New Accredited Kanban Consultant Credential


Changes to the KCP credential as posted on https://kanban.university 01/08/2019
We are making changes at the Kanban University in order to make our training path and our credentials more easily understood both by those who might take training and obtain a credential and for those who might employ people with these credentials. As part of this program we’re announcing a significant change to our highest level of achievement, our elite consulting credential for experts in the Kanban Method. Since 2012, the most proficient exponents of the Kanban Method, have been known as Kanban Coaching Professionals (KCPs). At the same time, trainers have been known as Accredited Kanban Trainers (AKTs). Today, we are acting to correct the confusion with the names. From today, existing KCPs will be know as Accredited Kanban Consultants (AKCs) and we are launching our new AKC program and associated training class.

Accredited Kanban Professionals

Since 2012, Kanban University has had two programs to develop trainers and consultants. While the path to accreditation has been different, the common theme, is that both credentials have been marked by peer review and approval. Accredited Kanban Trainers must audition before their peers and fellow trainees as well as at least two AKT-trainers. Over a 5-day period, their knowledge of the Kanban Method and our training curriculum is examined and critiqued. They are auditioned for their ability to teach the material, their ability to tell stories, and their ability to illustrate the effectiveness of the method using case study evidence. Consultants have had a different path: Having completed the KCP Masterclass, 5 days of intensive training, in advanced Kanban practices, change leadership and sociology, they must complete at least 6 months field experience leading an Agile transition using the Kanban Method, write up their experience in an essay; apply to the program; undergo a period of mentoring from an existing accredited professional; and then appear before a panel interview of at least 3 existing accredited consultants. Once accredited the successful applicant is awarded the white Kanban University lanyard. This is an indication of their status in our community and their professional qualification. When attending our events globally, you can be assured that those wearing a white lanyard have progressed through a peer-review process and that Kanban University vouches for their level of knowledge and experience. It only made sense that we simplify the naming of these credentials. And hence, from today, we have

  • Accredited Kanban Trainer (AKT) – with a license to teach one or more of our certified training classes
  • Accredited Kanban Consultant (AKC) with the skills and experience to lead large scale Agile transitions using the Kanban Method

The AKC becomes our highest-level credential with the hardest path to achievement

Change Leadership Masterclass

The educational requirement for AKC is that they have completed the intensive 5-day Change Leadership Masterclass. This class replaces the KCP Masterclass. The oldest class in our catalog, the KCP Masterclass was first offered in October 2009. It is retired after almost 10 years. The replacement class is based on the 6th generation of the existing curriculum. Effectively the 7th generation of the class, all of the Kanban content has been removed. This is now offered though the KMP, KMM and Kanban Coaching Practices classes. Instead the Change Leadership class focuses more time on case study review, interactive classroom workgroup sessions, and illustrative movies demonstrating the collection of models and frameworks that help us understand why people resist change, and how to motivate them to get on-board your Agile transition initiative.
The focus is very much on sociology and social psychology and the adaptation of evolutionary theory, and advanced physics such as the laws of thermodynamics and quantum mechanics to social situations. The outcome is that participants learn to see the world around them differently. They see people and workplace situations differently. They learn how to predict where resistance will appear and the forms it will take. They learn to act to enable change in ways that don’t invoke resistance and when it does, they learn an escalating set of techniques to move people to supporting the changes. The Masterclass is the “queen” of our training catalog. It is the ultimate curriculum. It changes people forever. It is rightly the class required for those aspiring to the highest level of professional credential offered by Kanban University.

The KCP credential isn’t going away

The Kanban Coaching Professional (KCP) credential will not disappear. Instead, it will become much more common. By codifying our community’s coaching practices knowledge into the Kanban Maturity Model, we are democratizing adoption of the Kanban Method and successful implementation. The bar for awarding a KCP credential was always the question: is this candidate capable of leading an organization of at least 150 people to a full Kanban implementation with end-to-end pull? It is now possible to achieve this with the Kanban Maturity Model (KMM) and the Kanban Maturity Model Extension for Coaching Practices (KMMX Coaching Practices). Look out for a full announcement about the new KCP credential tomorrow, August 2nd.
What will continue to differentiate the Accredited Kanban Consultants (AKCs) is their ability to work off-the-script and beyond the playbook. They will continue to be the consultants to tackle the difficult challenges, and the domains we haven’t yet seen before, to explore the bleeding edge of Kanbanland, to settle new territories and extend the state-of-the-art. The existing AKC community have collectively helped to define what makes the Kanban Method and the KMM what they are today. For this reason, the white lanyard, is rightly a indicator of the highest achievement, most experience, greatest knowledge, and most energetic contribution to our movement and our mission of improving management in 21st Century organizations.

Another Step Forward on our Mission

Kanban University is dedicated to improving the performance of modern 21st Century businesses, and the effectiveness of managers in professional services, knowledge worker organizations. By clarifying our professional credential program and making it easier to understand, we move another step forward. It is now easier to understand the value of working with a Kanban University Accredited Professional, an AKT or an AKC. When you need the best Kanban training available, your hire an AKT. When you need the best Agile consultants conversant in achieving large-scale business agility through the alternative path offered by the Kanban Method, then you hire an AKC.

About Kanban University

Kanban University is a management training company based in Seattle, United States. Led by David J. Anderson, the originator of the Kanban Method, it is the authority on training and professional development using Kanban. Kanban University offers certified training classes through a global network of accredited trainers (AKTs). For more information visit https://kanban.university/ or email akc@kanban.university

For a current list of Change Leadership masterclasses visit the David J Anderson School of Management  https://djaa.com

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