Blog Posts & Archive

Kanban Training
Lauren Durdan

Why HR L&D Leaders Should Invest in Kanban

In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, HR and L&D leaders are tasked with developing agile, high-performing teams. Kanban training offers a practical solution to boost collaboration, streamline workflows, and improve employee satisfaction without overwhelming your existing processes. Discover how investing in Kanban can drive measurable improvements across your organization—from reduced project lead times to enhanced leadership capabilities.

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Kanban Management Practices
David J Anderson

Kanban Management Practices: Where the Real Value Lies

Discover the true value of Kanban beyond its visible practices. Learn how Kanban’s Management Practices—Make Policies Explicit, Implement Feedback Loops, and Improve Collaboratively, Evolve Experimentally—drive second-generation agility and organizational transformation. Explore how mastering these practices can enhance your leadership skills and improve your organization’s adaptability and efficiency.

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Framework Fatigue
David J Anderson

Framework Fatigue & No Transformation Initiatives 

There is a window of opportunity to build momentum for cultural, leadership-led change that starts where you are and proceeds incrementally in an evolutionary fashion. There is a window of opportunity to change the culture of an organization, to develop its maturity, and to make evolutionary change not just work but become the way that the organization operates.

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Kanban for AI Projects
Ewa Szulik-Stach

Kanban for AI Projects

Discover how Kanban revolutionizes AI project management, offering flexibility and efficiency in the face of uncertainty. From data science to continuous improvements, learn real-world applications of Kanban in AI projects. Read more to explore the power of Kanban in navigating the complexities of AI initiatives.

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Enterprise Agility without the Overheads 4
Lauren Durdan

Diamonds in the Agile Debris-Deliver Enterprise Scale Agility 

It is inevitable that when the axe falls on Agile initiatives, the cuts are indiscriminate. There simply is no time to look at each individual, examine their knowledge and experience, and ask whether they might contribute better in another role. Some good people are inevitably finding themselves unemployed as one large corporation after another brings their Agile excess to an end. However, hidden amongst the waste is a lot of value. One Kanban Coaching Professional (KCP) can replace 12 team-level Agile coaches. Here are some thoughts on how to find these diamonds hidden in the debris of your Agile initiative. 

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David J Anderson

Agile Has Been Costing You Too Much – What to do Instead 

Businesses need agility more than ever in the extremely turbulent times in which we are living. So, Agile was costing you too much and you decided to cut the overheads and usher your Agile coaches out the door. What next? Is it possible to achieve enterprise-scale agility without the additional costs? The short answer is yes, and we have been teaching how to do so for over 20 years. 

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