Linkedin Contest Information

July 18, 2024
The Introduction to the Kanban Method course giveaway LinkedIn contest is organized by the David J Anderson School of Management. To participate, participants must first subscribe to the David J Anderson School of Management newsletter, follow the David J Anderson School of Management LinkedIn page, and comment on the relevant post from July, 2024 with the text that answers the question “why do you want to learn about Kanban?”. By tagging other individuals, their name will be entered in the drawing twice. 
  • This is no entry fee. 
  • Valid entries must be published between the dates of July 18, 2024 and August 1, 2024.
  • Winners will receive two free places as a student in the self-paced learning course Introduction to the Kanban Method
  • For registration, it is necessary that winners provide their full name and email address. Registration cannot be transferred to another  course option. 
  • The winners’ accounts will be tagged in a LinkedIn post announcing the  winning individuals on the David J Anderson School of Management LinkedIn page.
  • Winners will be announced on May 2, 2024 on the David J Anderson School of Management LinkedIn page as a public post.
  • Participants who do not follow the rules of the contest will be disqualified and will not be awarded with a prize. (i.e. not following page)
  • LinkedIn is not affiliated with this contest.