Enterprise Service Planning - Downloads
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Enterprise Service Planning
Print Ready A0 Posters
Enterprise Services Planning (ESP) is a framework of tools that leaders of 21st Century knowledge-work enterprises can apply to their strategic and capacity planning. ESP is often described as the equivalent of MRP for a professional services business. Such businesses employ many educated professionals, who think for a living, perform largely invisible work, and deliver mostly intangible products and services to customers.
Such businesses are increasingly exposed to VUCA – the conditions of volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity. It is often futile, under such conditions, to plan specific results, deliverables, and milestones. The VUCA reality quickly tosses such plans out of the window. Does this sound like your enterprise? ESP can help! What you can do is, plan the capacity of your services to sense, respond and deliver the right levels of service that meet customers’ purpose. You can plan the mechanisms of feedback to keep your network of services balanced and capable to execute your strategy. You can plan to avoid risks your enterprise can’t take and manage the risks it chooses to take. That’s what we mean by “planning.”

Understand Enterprise Services Planning with these print-ready A0 posters in PDF format. Display them wherever you make prioritization and planning decisions.
- Triage Tables
- Dependency Management
- Risk Management: Qualitative Taxonomies
If you’d like to know more about the Enterprise Service Planning and the training we offer please get in contact.